Mood Tracky

A Mood Tracking WebApp

in Python/Flask

MoodTracky is an easy-to-use, fully-featured mood and medication tracking app

Track your daily depressive, manic, and anxiety symptoms along with medication compliance

All in one simple app.

View your mood history in a simple color-coded summary page.

Observe your data in two-week increments with graphs in web and printable PDF form

MoodTracky was coded in Python using the Flask framework

HTML with Bootsrap 4 and Jinja was used for the design and templates

SQLite provided the database backend

MatPlotLib provided the capacity for graphically charting user-data

MoodTracky feature-list:

  • Daily Tracking of any combination of mania, depression, anxiety, and medication compliance
  • User account management with personalized settings, e-mail verification, and lost password functionality
  • Survey for severity of depression, mania, and anxiety
  • Capability to graph user mood data and view on the web or download printable PDF
  • Display Affirmations from annthurium/affirmations API
YouTube Demonstration Video


Repo available: Click Here

As of 2022, MoodTracky is my largest, most advanced project, and the one I'm most proud of. Development/support is still ongoing. The site is was live, deployed to PythonAnywhere, and I greatly enjoyed providing the service to people. I learned an awful lot through developing MoodTracky, not just about Python and Flask, but about how to manage user accounts and data including authentication, password handling/hashing, and mostly how to present a polished service to the public.

I was the first registered user of MoodTracky and I still use it daily (well, almost daily!) myself to help manage my own mental health. I designed it first and foremost because I personally found most mood-tracking options to be long on features and short on ease-of-use. My own needs informed much of the early decision-making and design decisions.

As of 2022 I've continued to use MoodTracky as a tool for my own mental well-being, but I made the decision to at least, for the foreseeable future, no-longer leave it open to the public. With full-time education and other projects going on I simply don't have the time to devote to running the project in a public format. I have interest in relaunching after I complete my degree at Northern Illinois University.